WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Paper 5 Appendix 2 – Local Plan Route to Inquiry Local Plan - Route to Inquiry Deposit Local Plan placed on deposit with statement of response to earlier consultation Certified Copy of plan and statement sent to Scottish Ministers Done 12 weeks for consultation Objections & other representations to be lodged with CNPA Done CNPA consider all objections & prepare summary list of initial responses Oct – Nov 2007 Copies of all objections & representations to be made available for inspection – in offices and online Board paper to summarise responses received and outline next steps to engage all those who made representations 16th November 2007 Period of negotiation and discussion to resolve objections were possible all respondees, board, key partners and officers Nov 2007 – Feb 2008 Informal Board discussions on progress of discussions and possible modifications January – March 2008 CNPA prepare initial modifications for board agreement April 2008 Advertise proposed modifications and further consult (6 weeks min) – April – May 2008 CNPA consider objections & prepare summary list of responses – only relating to modifications Advertise further modifications and further consult – 6 weeks (July – August 2008) CNPA prepare further modifications for board agreement July 2008 CNPA consider objections & prepare summary list of responses – only relating to modifications August/September 2008 CNPA consider whether Local Plan Inquiry is required and liaise with reporters unit Possible inquiry date October/November 2008 followed by reporters report (allow 3 months) February 2009 Consideration of reporter’s report, further modifications if needed, advertise intent to adopt (28 days notice) June 2009